More-To-Do Farms LLC consists of five farms, Main/Bauer, North/Knoepke, Miller, Middle, Fedie, Raber, and Yoder farms which is around 760 acres tilliable and around 200 acres non-tilliable. More-To-Do Farms LLC also rents around 125 acres. We currently have 600 milking/dry cows which are mostly Holstein. We also have around 350 head of heifers that are raised by a Custom Heifer Grower.
More-To-Do Farms LLC Mission:
"Passionate with Integrity and Ingenuity, for Our People, Our Cows, and Our Land."
More-To-Do Farms LLC Vision:
"Achieving Success, Growth, & Legacy."
Farm History
1978 - General Manager, Doug Knoepke had the dream to farm and bought a herd of cows so he could start dairy farming.
1979 - A 42-cow tie-stall barn and 70x18 ft. silo were built on the North Farm.
1986 - "Werlin Farm" was purchased.
1992 - The Main Farm was purchased and Doug and Toni had his and hers farms combining the milking herd total around 85 head.
1998 - A Double 8 Parlor was built, a 200 cow freestall barn was built, the North Farm was converted into a Calf Raising Facility.
1999 - Manure Storage was built.
2002 - March 23rd More-To-Do Farms Shop burnt down, rebuilt Fall 2002.
2004 - Freestall Barn expanded to 400 cows.
2008 - Dry Cow/Fresh Cow Barn built, herd expanded to the current 650 cow herd.
2009 - "Miller Farm" is purchased.
2010 - "Raber Farm" is purchased.
2011 - "Middle Farm" is purchased and More-To-Do Farms Main Offices are moved.
2013 - Four Irrigation Pivots installed on the "Main" Farm. Replacement Commodity/Truck Shed Built.
2014 - One Irrigation Pivot installed on the "Miller" Farm. MTDF's New Shop is built.
2015 - Douglas E. Knoepke SP DBA More-To-Do Farms changes to More-To-Do Farms LLC to allow the transition to the next generation. "Fedie" Farm and "Yoder" Farm are purchased.
2017 - MTDF builds a New Calf Barn on the North Farm.
2018- MTDF celebrates 40 years of Dairy Farming.
2019- 2019 Blizzard collapses part of main freestall barn and hoop barn. Upgrades to Electrical system and hoop barn was replaced with conventional building.
Behind the Name
What Does More-To-Do Farms LLC really stand for?
Does it stand for more to do on farm, some days actually yes.
But it actually stands for:
Farms LLC